Creating a trigger


  1. Log on to the NonStop SQL/MX Database Manager.
  2. In the navigation tree, navigate to the Triggers folder by expanding Database > My Systems > Catalogs > Schemas > Tables.
  3. Right-click on the table or the Triggers folder and select Create Trigger.

    The trigger is created in the schema of the subject table from where you launch the Create Trigger on Table wizard. To create the trigger in a different catalog or schema, select another catalog and schema from the Catalog and Schema drop-down menus in the Trigger Schema section of the General Properties tab. To create the trigger on a different subject table, select another table in the navigation tree that appears in the Subject Table section of General Properties tab. For more information on tables, see Managing tables and their properties.

    Create Trigger
  4. Click the General Properties tab and enter the following:
    • Name of the trigger in the Name field.

    • Select the Catalog and Schema in which the trigger will reside in Trigger Schema section.

    • Select the subject table on which the trigger is to be created in Subject Table section.

  5. Click the Attributes tab and enter the following:
    1. Select the desired Activation Time option.
    2. Select the desired Granularity option.
    3. Select the desired Operation option.
    4. If you have selected Update of columns option in Operation, then select columns from the Columns Available grid and click Add.

      The selected columns are moved to the Selected Columns grid.

      To remove columns, select columns from the Selected Columns grid and click Remove.

    For more information, see Trigger attributes.

  6. Click the Statement and Condition tab and enter the following:
    1. Enter New as and Old as values in Referencing section.

      The values represent the following:

      • For Row triggers, the correlation name of the old or new row acted upon by the trigger.

      • For Statement triggers, the table alias name of the old or new table acted upon by the trigger.

    2. Enter the SQL statement in the Triggered Statement text box.
    3. Enter the condition that activates the trigger in the Search Condition text box.
  7. Optional. Click Preview.

    The DDL statement is displayed in the Preview tab. MXDM displays an error message if any required information is missing or invalid in other tabs. You cannot enter any information in this tab.

  8. Click Create.