Using the DEFINEs and SETs tab

This section describes the DEFINEs and SETs tabs.


A DEFINE statement is a named set of attribute-value pairs associated with a process. SQL/MX allows DEFINEs to be used as logical names for tables, views, or partitions in statements that query SQL/MP objects.

DEFINE statements are stored as part of the configuration data for the data source. They are retrieved and set by the association server when it reads the startup values for the data source.

Changes become effective the next time a connection is made to a server in the data source.

Table 28 describes the fields in the DEFINEs tab.

DEFINEs tab buttons




Displays the Add DEFINE dialog.


Displays the Edit DEFINE dialog.


Removes the selected DEFINE statement.

Figure 47shows how to add a DEFINE, called DEPTLOG:


About SETs

SET variables affect the behavior of MXCS. For example, you can set default catalog and schema names for servers running in this data source when they are not set at the client data source. Client data source values take precedence over server data source values.

SET variables are stored as part of the configuration data for the data source. They are retrieved by the association server when it reads the startup values for the data source. The data source server then sets the value when a connection is established.

Table 29 describes the SET tab functions.

Functions on the SETs Tab




Displays the Add SET dialog.


Displays the Edit SET dialog.


Removes the selected SET variable.

Some SET commands require that you specify a value in single quotes. For example, SET SESSION commands always require that the value be within single quotes. Figure 48 shows an example of the SET SESSION command.
Internally, MXDM concatenates the Name and Value fields to form the SET command. Therefore, you can specify the value alone in the value field and the rest of the command in the Name field, as shown in the example. Alternatively, you can specify the type of the SET command in the Name field and the rest of the command in the Value field. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends that you use this approach. Figure 50 shows an example.
SET SCHEMA example