Unregistering a catalog

To unregister a catalog:


  1. In the navigation tree pane, click Database.
  2. In My Systems, select a system.
  3. Click and expand the system.
  4. Select a catalog, and then right-click and select Register/Unregister Catalog from the context menu.

    The Register/Unregister Catalog dialog is displayed with the selected catalog on the left pane. The registration details are displayed in the Registrations grid in the right pane.

    • System
    • Location
    • Rule
  5. Select a row from the right pane.

    The Unregister button is disabled if the replication rule is Automatic.

  6. Click Unregister.

    The Unregister Catalog dialog appears. Figure 20 shows the Unregister Catalog dialog box.

    Unregister catalog
  7. Select Restrict or Cascade option
    • Select Restrict to unregister a named catalog. If the selected catalog is related to other catalogs, an error occurs.

    • Select Cascade to specify that this catalog and any catalogs that are directly or indirectly related to it, will be unregistered.

  8. Click OK to unregister the catalog.