Displaying tables

To display the properties for a selected table:


  1. Log onto the MXDM.
  2. In the Navigation tree pane, click Database.

    MXDM displays a list of available systems in My Systems.

  3. Expand a selected system in the navigation tree.

    List of catalogs for the selected system appears.

  4. Click and expand the contents of a Catalog.

    The list of schemas appears.

  5. Expand a schema in the left pane.

    The Tables folder appears.

  6. Expand the Tables folder and select a table in the left pane.

    The right pane displays the following tabs:

    • Columns
    • Primary Key
    • Hash Key
    • Store Order
    • Check Constraints
    • Unique Constraints
    • Foreign Keys
    • Attributes
    • Partitions
    • Related Objects
    • DDL
    • Statistics
    • Privileges
    Table properties

    Additionally, each table has Indexes and Triggers folder. The Indexes folder comprise the list of indexes for the corresponding table. For more information on indexes, see Displaying indexes. The Triggers folder comprises a list of triggers for the corresponding table. For more information on triggers, see Managing triggers.