Setting the timeout in MXDM

If you frequently receive connection timeout errors, you must increase the connection timeout value. You can override the connection timeout in MXDM using the following rules:
  • The default value for the ConnectionTimeOut is 7200 seconds (120 minutes).

  • The range is an integer value from 0 to 2,147,483,647 seconds.

  • Setting a value of 0 indicates no timeout.

MXDM also overrides login and query timeout set at client data source. By default, following are the settings for:
  • LoginTimeOut— 180 seconds.

  • QueryTimeOut — No time out.

For more information on connection timeout, see Timeout Settings.

To set the ConnectionTimeOut, LoginTimeOut, or QueryTimeout:


  1. Perform the following:
    • On the MXDM toolbar, click Options (Options Toolbar Button).).

    • Select Tools > Options.

    The Options dialog appears.

  2. Select Framework in General.
  3. In the right pane of the Options dialog, select the timeout from the Application Settings pane.
  4. Enter the number of seconds that you want to specify for the selected timeout.

    Figure 4 shows the Options dialog.

    Options dialog
  5. Click OK.

    The new timeout value is set.


    MXDM loads these timeout values from the persistence file. So, for upgrade scenarios, set the appropriate timeout values manually.