Sequence generator attributes


The name of the sequence generator.

Metadata UID

A unique ID number of the sequence generator.

Start With

The first sequence number to be generated. This value can be positive or negative.

Increment By

The increment value to be added to the current value to obtain the next value in the sequence. The default value is 1. This value cannot be 0. This value can be positive or negative.

Min Value

The minimum value for the sequence. The default is the minimum value of the sequence generator data type. This value must be less than the Max Value and must be more than or equal to the Start With value. It can be positive or negative.

Max Value

The maximum value for the sequence. The default is the maximum value of the sequence generator data type. This value must be greater than the Min Value and must be greater than or equal to the Start With value. It can be positive or negative.

Cycle Option
This attribute determines the behavior of the sequence generator when it reaches either the maximum or minimum value. The options available are:

If this option is specified, the sequence generator loops over to generate the minimum value after an ascending sequence reaches the maximum value or generate the maximum value after a descending sequence reaches the minimum value.

No Cycle

If this option is specified, the sequence generator raises an exception if a new value is requested after an ascending sequence reaches the maximum value or a descending sequence reaches the minimum value.


This attribute specifies a volume and optionally a node, subvolume, and the filename of the sequence generator.

Creation Time

The time and date when the sequence generator was created.

Redefinition Time

The time and date when the sequence generator was last redefined.


The owner of the sequence generator.