Setting the PATH for a supported Java version and JDBC/MX T2 driver on NonStop

  1. Open the profile (/etc/profile for the OSS shell):

    /etc: vi profile

  2. In the profile, set the PATH environment variable to include the path of the Java bin directory:

    export PATH=<java-install-directory>/bin:$PATH

    For example, export PATH=/usr/tandem/nssjava/jdk170_h70/bin:$PATH.

  3. Set the JDBC/MX T2 environment settings by entering the following command:

    export CLASSPATH=<jdbc-install-directory>/lib/jdbcMx.jar

    export _RLD_LIB_PATH=<jdbc-install-directory>/lib

    For example,

    export CLASSPATH=/usr/tandem/jdbcMx/T1275L33/lib/jdbcMx.jar

    export _RLD_LIB_PATH=/usr/tandem/jdbcMx/T1275L33/lib

  4. To activate the changes, either log out and log in again or source the /etc/profile file:

    /etc: . ./profile

  • If JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the NonStop Java installation directory, then you can skip the steps above for setting up the PATH environment variable for Java.

  • The file /etc/profile is a global profile file. Each new login shell runs the global profile file. If you do not have permission to edit the global profile file or do not want these settings to be applied globally, do the above settings in the local .profile file in your $HOME directory instead.