InstallSqlmx command options

The following table describes the command options for InstallSqlmx.

InstallSqlmx Command Options




Use this option to rebuild the anchor file if it is corrupted. When the -b option is specified, InstallSqlmx searches the system for the system metadata subvolume ZSD0, which must exist at only one location on a system. If InstallSqlmx is run multiple times with multiple -l values then multiple ZSD0s occurs. When InstallSqlmx locates ZSD0, it drops the current anchor file, re-creates it, and adds the correct volume.


Use this option to display help information about InstallSqlmx

, including command syntax, phase descriptions, option descriptions, syntax examples, and diagnostics information.


Use this option to reload the MXCS metadata tables in the MXCS_SCHEMA schema of the system catalog if the default values were not successfully loaded during the first run of InstallSqlmx.

-l volume

Use this option to specify the volume in which InstallSqlmx installs SQL/MX system metadata tables. It is not recommended to specify $SYSTEM.

InstallSqlmx determines whether system metadata tables already exist. If they already exist, an error message appears and InstallSqlmx terminates. For more information, see the InstallSqlmx error message information in the SQL/MX Messages Manual.

You must always specify the -l option first in the InstallSqlmx script command-line.

-n national_charset_name

Use this option to specify the name of the national character set for NCHAR/NCHAR VARYING columns. The value for the -n option can be ISO88591, UCS2, KANJI, or KSC5601.

If you do not specify a value for the -n option, the national character set defaults to UCS2.


Use this option to specify that FCHECK must not be performed on local volumes to locate SQL/MP tables with added columns. If this option is not specified, InstallSqlmx automatically performs FCHECK.

-e {ON | OFF}

Use this option to insert one or more row into the SYSTEM_DEFAULTS table (along with NATIONAL_CHARSET default) for the EXTERNAL_NAME_CASESENSITIVE default value.

If the -e option is used for an existing installation, it deletes the EXTERNAL_NAME_CASESENSITIVE CQD already present in SYSTEM_DEFAULTS table (if any) and adds a new row with the value specified by the user.

-dcmode {0 | 1}

Use this option to enable the database compatibility mode for all applications during installation. It sets the value for CQD DC_MODE with the specified value. The default value is 0.