Simplifying entry of commands at the command line

Do one or more of the following to simplify entry of commands:

  • To find or complete a command, use the [TAB] key. See Finding or completing a command.

  • To re-execute a command, use the redo command. See redo.

  • To repeatedly re-execute one or more commands, use the repeat command. See repeat.

  • To create a shortcut name for a command to simplify keystrokes, use the alias command. See alias.

  • To simplify movement or placement of your cursor at the command line, use the shortcut keystrokes. See CLI shortcut keystrokes.

Finding or completing a command

Type one or more consecutive characters of a command and then press [Tab] (with no spaces allowed) to find a CLI command or to quickly complete a CLI command name. The CLI completes the current command name, including hyphenated extensions, if you have typed enough characters for the CLI to distinguish it from other possibilities.

The following example shows the result when you press [Tab] immediately after typing “t” at the Global Configuration level. The CLI displays the available command options that begin with “t”.

switch(config)# t

The following example shows the result when you press [Tab] immediately after typing “port-”.

switch (config)# port-
switch (config)# port-security

The following example shows the result of pressing [Tab] after a completed command word lists the further options for that command. In this example, entering

switch(config)# qos[Tab]

displays the following:

switch (config)# qos
 udp-port              Set UDP port-based priority.
 tcp-port              Set TCP port-based priority.
 device-priority       Configure device-based priority for a particular IP
 dscp-map              Define mapping between a DSCP (Differentiated-Services
                       Codepoint) value and an 802.1p priority.
 protocol              Configure protocol-based priority.
 queue-config          Configure the number of egress priority queues for each
 type-of-service       Configure the Type-of-Service method the device uses to
                       prioritize IP traffic.
 watch-queue           Enables monitoring of per-queue dropped packets due to
                       outbound congestion on the given port.



redo [ <number> | <command-str> ]



The redo command re-executes a command. The last command that was used is executed by default.



Specifies the position of the command in the history list. When the position is specified, the nth command starting from the most recent command in the history is executed.


Specifies the name of a previously executed command. The most recently executed command whose name matches the specified string is executed.


This example shows the use of the redo command.

switch(config)# show history
2       show arp
1       show flash

switch(config)# redo 2

  IP ARP table

   IP Address     MAC Address     Type      Port
   -------------  --------------  --------  ----   00000c-07ac00   dynamic   A11 



repeat [cmdlist] [count] [delay]


The repeat command repeatedly re-executes one or more commands. By default, the most recent command in the history is executed until a key is pressed.



Specifies the position of a command, or range of positions of multiple commands, in the history list. The nth most recent commands in the history, where "n" is the position in the history list, are re-executed.


Specifies number of times to execute the command or commands.


Specifies a delay. The execution of the command is delayed for the number of seconds specified.


switch(config)# repeat 1-4,7-8,10 count 2 delay 3


This demonstrates the use of the repeat command to re-execute commands that are at positions 1 through 2 in the command history.

switch(config)# show history
3        show ver
2        show ip
1        show arp

switch(config)# repeat 1-2

  IP ARP table

   IP Address      MAC Address       Type      Port
   --------------  ----------------  --------  ----    000000-000000     dynamic

Internet (IP) Service

IP Routing : Disabled

Default Gateway :
Default TTL     : 64
Arp Age         : 20
Domain Suffix   :
DNS server      :

VLAN               | IP Config   IP Address      Subnet Mask    Proxy ARP
------------------ + ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------
DEFAULT_VLAN       | DHCP/Bootp  No No



[no] alias <name> <command>


The alias command creates a shortcut alias name that can be used in place of a CLI command to simplify keystrokes and aid memory. The alias command is executed from the current configuration context.



Specifies that the alias for the command is to be removed.



Specifies the alias for the CLI command. The alias name must not be an existing CLI command.


Specifies an existing CLI command for which to create the alias. The command must be enclosed in quotes.

It is recommended that you use an alias that does not have an existing tab completion in the CLI. For example, using an alias that starts with "show" or "int" would complete to "show" and "interface" respectively when you use the tab completion function.


The alias command is executed from the current configuration context (operator, manager, or global). If the command that is aliased has to be executed in the global configuration context, you must execute the alias for that command in the global configuration context. This prevents bypassing the security for a particular context.


  • The alias name must not be an existing CLI command. Existing CLI commands are searched before looking for an alias command; an alias that is identical to an existing command will not be executed.

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends that you configure no more than 128 aliases.


This example shows the creation and use of an alias for the show int custom command to demonstrate how a command alias can simplify keystrokes when entering a command. The actual show int custom command is used first and then an alias is created for it and then used.

switch(config)# show int custom 1-4 port name:4 type vlan intrusion speed
enabled mdi

 Status and Counters - Custom Port Status

Port Name     Type       VLAN  Alert     Speed   Enabled MDI-mode
---- -------- ---------- ----- --------- ------- ------- -------
1    Acco     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto
2    Huma     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto
3    Deve     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto
4    Lab1     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto

switch(config)# alias sic "show int custom 1-4 port name:4 type vlan intrusion
speed enabled mdi"

switch(config)# sic 

Status and Counters - Custom Port Status

Port Name     Type       VLAN  Alert     Speed   Enabled MDI-mode
---- -------- ---------- ----- --------- ------- ------- -------
1    Acco     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto
2    Huma     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto
3    Deve     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto
4    Lab1     100/1000T  1     No        1000FDx Yes     Auto

CLI shortcut keystrokes

Keystrokes Functions
[Ctrl] [A] Jumps to the first character of the command line.
[Ctrl] [B] or ‘ Moves the cursor back one character.
[Ctrl] [C] Terminates a task and displays the command prompt.
[Ctrl] [D] Deletes the character at the cursor.
[Ctrl] [E] Jumps to the end of the current command line.
[Ctrl] [F] or ‘ Moves the cursor forward one character.
[Ctrl] [K] Deletes from the cursor to the end of the command line.
[Ctrl] [L] or [Ctrl] [R] Repeats current command line on a new line.
[Ctrl] [N] or ‘ Enters the next command line in the history buffer.
[Ctrl] [P] or ‘ Enters the previous command line in the history buffer.
[Ctrl] [U] or [Ctrl] [X] Deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
[Ctrl] [W] Deletes the last word typed.
[Esc] [B] Moves the cursor backward one word.
[Esc] [D] Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word.
[Esc] [F] Moves the cursor forward one word.
[Backspace] Deletes the first character to the left of the curser in the command line.
[Spacebar] Moves the cursor forward one character.