Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Listing available commands

  1. Type ? to list available commands. Typing the ? symbol lists the commands you can execute at the current privilege level.

    The commands that are available to a user depend on the user’s privilege level. At a given privilege level, you can list and execute the commands that the privilege level offers, plus all commands available at preceding levels.

  2. When - - MORE - - appears, there are more commands in the listing. Do one of the following:

    1. To list the next screen of commands, press the Space bar.

    2. To list the remaining commands one-by-one, repeatedly press [Enter].

The following example shows the result of typing? at the Operator level. You can list and execute only the Operator-level commands at the Operator level.

The Operator-level command listing

switch> ?
 chassislocate         Control the chassis locate led.
 dir                   Display a list of the files and subdirectories in a
                       directory on a USB device.
 display               Display current system information.
 enable                Enter the Manager Exec context.
 exit                  Return to the previous context or terminate current
                       console/telnet session if you are in the Operator
                       context level.
 link-test             Test the connection to a MAC address on the LAN.
 logout                Terminate this console/telnet session.
 menu                  Change console user interface to menu system.
 page                  Toggle paging mode.
 ping                  Send IPv4 ping request(s) to a device on the network.
 ping6                 Send IPv6 ping request(s) to a device on the network.
 quit                  Exit from current command view
 services              Display parameters for the services module.
 show                  Display switch operation information.
 traceroute            Trace the IPv4 route to a device on the network.
 traceroute6           Trace the IPv6 route to a device on the network.
 verify                Verify the signature of a switch firmware image.
 wireless-services     Display parameters for the wireless-services module.
-- MORE --, next page: Space, next line: Enter, quit: Control-C

The following example shows the result of typing? at the Manager level. At this level, you can list and execute commands that are available at both the Operator and Manager levels. Typing ? at the Global Configuration level or the Context Configuration level produces similar results.

The Manager-level command listing

switch# ?
 backup                Backup next startup-configuration file to TFTP server
 boot                  Reboot the device.
 clear                 Clear table/statistics.
 clock                 Display/set current time, date, and local time
 command-alias         Specify command alias
 configure             Enter the Configuration context.
 copy                  Copy datafiles to/from the switch.
 debug                 Enable/disable debug logging.
 delete                Delete a file
 diagnostic-level      Set the diagnostic level.
 end                   Return to the Manager Exec context.
 erase                 Erase stored data files.
 getMIB                Retrieve and display the value of the MIB objects
 getNextMIB            Retrieve and display the value of the next MIB object
                       for each OID specified
 kill                  Kill other active console, Telnet, or SSH sessions.
 licenses              Manage premium features.
 log                   Display log events.
 print                 Execute a command and redirect its output to the device
                       channel for current session.
-- MORE --, next page: Space, next line: Enter, quit: Control-C