MLD snooping configuration task list

Complete these tasks to configure MLD snooping:

[NOTE: ]


  • In MLD-snooping view, the configuration is effective for all VLANs. In VLAN view, the configuration is effective on only the ports that belong to the current VLAN. For a given VLAN, the configuration in MLD-snooping view is not effective if you make the same configuration in VLAN view.

  • In MLD-snooping view, the configuration is effective on all ports. In Ethernet interface view or Layer 2 aggregate interface view, the configuration is effective on only the current port. In port group view, the configuration is effective on all ports in only the current port group. For a given port, the configuration in MLD-snooping view is not effective if you make the same configuration in Ethernet interface view, Layer 2 aggregate interface view or port group view.

  • For MLD snooping, the configuration on a Layer 2 aggregate interface do not interfere with the configuration on its member ports, nor do they take part in aggregation calculations. The configuration on a member port of the aggregate group will take effect after the port leaves the aggregate group.