Configuring maximum multicast groups that a port can join

The maximum number of IPv6 multicast groups that a port can join can limit the number of multicast programs available to VOD users, to control the traffic on the port.

Follow these steps configure the maximum number of IPv6 multicast groups that a port can join:

To do...

Use the command...


Enter system view


Enter Ethernet interface/Layer 2 aggregate interface view or port group view

interface interface-type interface-number


Use either approach

port-group manual port-group-name

Configure the maximum number of IPv6 multicast groups that a port can join

mld-snooping group-limit limit [ vlan vlan-list ]


200 by default

[NOTE: ]


  • When the number of IPv6 multicast groups that can be joined on a port reaches the maximum number configured, the system deletes all the forwarding entries persistent to that port from the MLD snooping forwarding table, and the hosts on this port need to join IPv6 multicast groups again.

  • If you have configured static or simulated joining on a port, however, when the number of IPv6 multicast groups on the port exceeds the configured threshold, the system deletes all the forwarding entries persistent to that port from the MLD snooping forwarding table and applies the static or simulated joining again, until the number of IPv6 multicast groups joined by the port comes back within the configured threshold.