Displaying CLI “Help”

Do one of the following:

  • Type “help” to display a list of commands that includes a brief summary of each command’s purpose.

    The list includes all commands available at the current privilege level. That is, at the Operator level, executing help displays the Help summaries only for Operator-Level commands. At the Manager level, executing help displays the Help summaries for both the Operator and Manager levels, and so on.

  • Type a command string followed by “help” to display detailed information about how to use an individual command. Use the following syntax:

    <command-string> help

    Help is displayed for any command that is available at the current privilege level. An “Invalid input” message is displayed if you try to list the help for an individual command from a privilege level that does not include that command.

The following example shows the result of typing “help” at the Operator privilege level. The Operator-Level commands are listed with their purposes.

Help for Operator-Level commands

switch> help

 chassislocate         Control the chassis locate led.
 dir                   Display a list of the files and subdirectories in a
                       directory on a USB device.
 display               Display current system information.
 enable                Enter the Manager Exec context.
 exit                  Return to the previous context or terminate current
                       console/telnet session if you are in the Operator
                       context level.
 link-test             Test the connection to a MAC address on the LAN.
 logout                Terminate this console/telnet session.

The following example shows Help for the interface command at the Global Configuration privilege level:

Detailed Help for a specific command

switch(config)# interface help
Usage: [no] interface < [ethernet] PORT-LIST [...] | loopback <num> >

Description: Enter the Interface Configuration Level, or execute one
             command for that level. Without optional parameters
             specified, the 'interface' command changes the context to
             the Interface Configuration Context Level for execution of 
             configuration changes to the port or ports in the PORT-LIST
             or with loopback keywork it will change context to loopback
             mode. Use 'interface ?' to get a list of all valid commands.

Note that trying to list the help for an individual command from a privilege level that does not include that command results in an error message. For example, trying to list the help for the interface command while at the global configuration level produces this result:

switch# speed-duplex help
Invalid input: speed-duplex