
Use line to enter one or multiple user line views.


line { first-number1 [ last-number1 ] | { aux | vty } first-number2 [ last-number2 ] }


System view

Predefined user roles




first-number1: Specifies the absolute number of the first user line. The value range is 0 to 65 in standalone mode and 0 to 71 in IRF mode.

last-number1: Specifies the absolute number of the last user line. This number cannot be smaller than first-number1.

aux: Specifies the AUX line.

vty: Specifies the VTY line.

first-number2: Specifies the relative number of the first user line. The value ranges are as follows:

last-number2: Specifies the relative number of the last user line. This number cannot be smaller than first-number2.

Usage guidelines

To configure settings for a single user line, use this command to enter the user line view.

To configure the same settings for multiple user lines, use this command to enter multiple user line views.


# Enter the view of user line AUX 0.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] line aux 0

# Enter the views of user lines VTY 0 to VTY 4.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] line vty 0 4

Related commands

line class