SSL server policy configuration example

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 110, users need to access and manage the device through the Web interface.

To protect the device and prevent data from being eavesdropped or tampered with, configure the device to be accessible through HTTPS only.

In this example, the CA server runs Windows Server and has the SCEP plug-in installed.

Figure 109: Network diagram

Configuration considerations

To meet the network requirements, perform the following tasks:

Configuration procedure

  1. Make sure the device, the host, and the CA server can reach each other. (Details not shown.)

  2. Configure the HTTPS server on the device:

    # Create a PKI entity named en. Set the common name and FQDN for the entity.

    <Device> system-view
    [Device] pki entity en
    [Device-pki-entity-en] common-name http-server1
    [Device-pki-entity-en] fqdn
    [Device-pki-entity-en] quit

    # Create PKI domain 1 and specify CA server as the name of the trusted CA. Set the URL of the registration server to, the authority for certificate request to RA, and the entity for certificate request to en. Set the URL of the CRL repository to

    [Device] pki domain 1
    [Device-pki-domain-1] ca identifier CA server
    [Device-pki-domain-1] certificate request url
    [Device-pki-domain-1] certificate request from ra
    [Device-pki-domain-1] certificate request entity en
    [Device-pki-domain-1] crl url

    # Configure a general-purpose RSA key pair named abc and set the key modulus length to 1024 bits.

    [Device-pki-domain-1] public-key rsa general name abc length 1024
    [Device-pki-domain-1] quit

    # Generate RSA key pair abc.

    [Device] public-key local create rsa name abc
    The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
    If the key modulus is greater than 512,it will take a few minutes.
    Press CTRL+C to abort.
    Input the modulus length [default = 1024]:
    Generating Keys...
    Create the key pair successfully.

    # Obtain the CA certificate.

    [Device] pki retrieve-certificate domain 1 ca
    The trusted CA's finger print is:
        MD5  fingerprint:7682 5865 ACC2 7B16 6F52 D60F D998 4484
        SHA1 fingerprint:DF6B C53A E645 5C81 D6FC 09B0 3459 DFD1 94F6 3DDE
    Is the finger print correct?(Y/N):y
    Retrieved the certificates successfully.

    # Request a server certificate for the device.

    [Device] pki request-certificate domain 1
    Start to request general certificate ...
    Certificate requested successfully.

    # Create an SSL server policy named myssl.

    [Device] ssl server-policy myssl

    # Specify PKI domain 1 for the SSL server policy.

    [Device-ssl-server-policy-myssl] pki-domain 1

    # Enable client authentication.

    [Device-ssl-server-policy-myssl] client-verify enable
    [Device-ssl-server-policy-myssl] quit

    # Configure the HTTPS service to use SSL server policy myssl.

    [Device] ip https ssl-server-policy myssl

    # Enable the HTTPS service.

    [Device] ip https enable

    # Create a local user named usera. Set the password to 123, service type to https, and user role to network-admin.

    [Device] local-user usera
    [Device-luser-usera] password simple 123
    [Device-luser-usera] service-type https
    [Device-luser-usera] authorization-attribute user-role network-admin
  3. Request a client certificate for the host:

    1. Launch IE on the host, and then enter in the address bar.

    2. Request a client certificate for the host. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

Perform the following tasks on the host:

  1. Launch IE and enter in the address bar.

  2. Select the certificate issued by the CA server to the host.

    The login page of the device should appear.

  3. Enter username usera and password 123.

    Verify that now you can log in to the Web interface to access and manage the device.