display rrpp ring-group

Use display rrpp ring-group to display the RRPP ring group configuration.


display rrpp ring-group [ ring-group-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




ring-group-id: Specifies an RRPP ring group by its ID in the range of 1 to 64. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays the configuration of all ring groups.

Usage guidelines

For an edge node RRPP ring group, this command also displays the subring sending Edge-Hello packets.


# Display the configuration of all RRPP ring groups.

<Sysname> display rrpp ring-group
 Ring group 1:
  Domain 1 ring 1 to 3, 5
  Domain 2 ring 1 to 3, 5
  Domain 1 ring 1 is the sending ring

 Ring group 2:
  Domain 1 ring 4, 6 to 7
  Domain 2 ring 4, 6 to 7

Table 25: Command output



Ring group 1

RRPP ring group 1.

Domain 1 ring 1 to 3, 5

Subrings in the ring group, including rings 1, 2, 3, and 5 in RRPP domain 1.

Domain 1 ring 1 is the sending ring

The sending ring of the ring group is ring 1 in RRPP domain 1.