Authentication and encryption

Authentication algorithms

IPsec uses hash algorithms to perform authentication. A hash algorithm produces a fixed-length digest for an arbitrary-length message. IPsec peers respectively calculate message digests for each packet. The receiver compares the local digest with that received from the sender. If the digests are identical, the receiver considers the packet intact and the sender's identity valid. IPsec uses the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) based authentication algorithms, including HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA1. Compared with HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-MD5 is faster but less secure.

Encryption algorithms

IPsec uses symmetric encryption algorithms, which encrypt and decrypt data by using the same keys. The following encryption algorithms are available for IPsec on the device:

Crypto engine

The IPsec feature is resource intensive for its complex encryption/decryption and authentication algorithms. To improve processing performance, you can use crypto engine to offload IPsec tasks.

The crypto engine processes all IPsec protected packets and hands the processed packets back to the device for forwarding.

For more information about crypto engines, see "Configuring crypto engines."