
  • To create a UDF, you must have the CREATE privilege for the target schema or be logged in as the SUPER.SUPER user.

  • To drop a UDF, you must have the DROP privilege for the schema containing the function or be logged in as the SUPER.SUPER user.

  • To grant a privilege to a UDF, you must hold the privilege being granted WITH GRANT OPTION. You may also grant the privilege if security administrators are enabled and you are logged in as a security administrator or if security administrators are not enabled and you are logged in as the SUPER.SUPER user.

  • To revoke a privilege from a UDF, you must be the grantor of the privilege. You may also revoke the privilege if security administrators are enabled and you are logged in as a security administrator or if security administrators are not enabled and you are logged in as the SUPER.SUPER user.

  • To view the source of a UDF, you must hold the SELECT privilege on SOURCE for the function.