Network Interface Controller (NIC)

Plan Scripts can contain Network Interface Controller (NIC) attributes. NIC attributes are complex custom attributes and contain network interface configuration parameters.

A NIC attribute follows the format: <name>.<parameter>. A custom attribute is automatically recognized as NIC by the .<parameter> configuration parameter syntax. The type of NIC custom attributes cannot be changed.

NIC attribute parameters are grouped in the OS Build Plan and Deployment Plan under a single attribute name and are of type NIC. A NIC attribute can be of two types:
  • Teamed

  • Unteamed

Teamed NIC attributes

Teamed network connections are used to ensure that servers have continuous network connectivity during HPE Synergy maintenance operations. They are also used to provide increased availability. Teamed NIC attributes can contain the following parameters:
  • ipaddress1 - This parameter is mandatory when you use mac1 parameter.

  • ipaddress2

  • mac1 - If the mac1 attribute is not set to any value, it expands to none in the Plan Script.

  • mac2 - If the mac2 attribute is not set to any value, it expands to none in the Plan Script.

  • dns1

  • dns2

  • dns3

  • netmask

  • gateway

  • vlanid - A unique id to identify a network in a network set.

  • dhcp - A value of True for this parameter indicates that DHCP is selected in the server profile.

  • networkuri - The value of this parameter indicates the network associated with the connection. NICs having matching networkuri values are connected to the same network.

  • ipv4disable - A value of True for this parameter indicates that IPv4 networking is disabled on the NIC.

Unteamed NIC attributes

Unteamed NIC attributes can contain the following parameters:
  • ipaddress

  • mac - If the mac attribute is not set to any value, it expands to none in the Plan Script.

  • dns1

  • dns2

  • dns3

  • netmask

  • gateway

  • vlanid - A unique id to identify a network in a network set.

  • dhcp - A value of True for this parameter indicates that DHCP is selected in the server profile.

  • networkuri - The value of this parameter indicates the network associated with the connection. NICs having matching networkuri values are connected to the same network.

  • ipv4disable - A value of True for this parameter indicates that IPv4 networking is disabled on the NIC.


NIC attribute settings from the server profile and the way network connections are configured are correlated with OS settings for the correct network adapter functions using MAC address. Hence, Plan Scripts must include .mac subtype for each NIC attribute.

IPv4 configuration options

The server profile provides the <name>.<parameter> values that indicate the network configuration requested for OS deployment. If a network configuration parameter is not used in Plan Scripts, the server profile does not prompt for the same.

You can set the IPv4 configuration in the Edit custom attribute dialog on the OS Build Plan screen to constrain the configuration choices allowed in the server profile.
Allow static

This option indicates that the server profile can request the NIC to be configured with a static IP address. If not set, the server profile does not allow static IP configuration. If static IP configuration is allowed, you can enter the static IP configuration or it can be allocated from a pool if HPE OneView has an IP pool for the network.

Allow DHCP

This option indicates that the server profile can request the NIC to be configured for DHCP. Specifically, the .dhcp value may be true for this option. If not set, the server profile does not allow DHCP to be selected.

Allow no network connection

This option indicates that the server profile is allowed to provide no connection for the NIC. If set, the .mac or .mac1 and .mac2 values expand to none in the Plan Script. If not set, a network connection must be given in the server profile for the NIC attribute.

Allow no network teaming

This option indicates that the server profile is allowed to provide a single connection for the teamed NIC. If set, .mac2 value expands to none in the Plan Script. If not set, the server profile would not allow only a single network connection for the teamed NIC.

These settings can be combined to restrict the server profile to permit only those network configurations which conform to a specific data center policy or the capability of the OS being deployed.

Table 2: Example options for an unteamed NIC
Allow static Allow DHCP Allow no network connection  
Selected Selected Not selected A network connection must be provided, either static or DHCP configuration can be given.
Not selected Selected Selected The network connection is optional. If a connection is given, DHCP configuration will be used.
Selected Selected Selected The network connection is optional. If a connection is given, DHCP or static configuration may be used.
Table 3: Example options for a teamed NIC
Allow no network connection Allow no network teaming  
Not selected Not selected Multiple connections are required to allow teamed configuration.
Selected Not selected The NIC may not be connected in the server profile, but if connected multiple connections for teaming are required.
Not selected Selected The NIC must have a connection, but a single connection or multiple connections are allowed. The server profile is allowed to determine if the connection is teamed.
Selected Selected The server profile is allowed to leave the NIC unconnected, provide a single connection, or provide multiple connections for teaming.

The Plan Script for a teamed NIC may or may not choose to use .ipaddress2. If .ipaddress2 is used, a second IP address will be configured for a static configuration. If .ipaddress2 is not used, a single IP address will be given for the teamed NIC even when multiple connections are made. Often only a single IP address is required for the OS to configure NIC teaming.

Constraints for NIC custom attributes:

Default values

NIC attributes cannot have default values. The value can either be automatically populated from the IP pool if auto mode is enabled in the server profile in HPE OneView or specified by the user.

To enable DHCP mode in the server profile, select DHCP as the IPv4 configuration.