Create an appliance self-signed certificate

The appliance uses a certificate for authentication over TLS. The certificate contains a public key, and the appliance maintains the corresponding private key, which is uniquely tied to the public key.

A self-signed certificate indicates that a host vouches for itself, which, in some cases, might be adequate. By default, browsers do not trust self-signed certificates and display a warning.

A more secure alternative is a certificate issued by a third-party certificate authority. For information on these certificates, see Create an appliance certificate signing request.


Minimum required privileges: Infrastructure administrator

  1. From the main menu, select Settings.
  2. Click Security.
  3. Select Actions > Create self-signed certificate.
  4. Supply the data requested on the screen.
  5. Enter optional information, as needed.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Verify that the certificate was created. The certificate information is shown on the screen.