Registering a Microsoft Exchange Server

  • Ensure that the registered user belongs to the Exchange Organization Administrators Active Directory group and have administrative rights for every Exchange production server managed by RMC-E.

  • Ensure that you use View-Only Organization Management or Recipient Management user role when there are security restrictions. However, the View-Only Organization Management and Recipient Management user roles cannot perform any Restore operation to the Base or Parent volume and Mailbox Recovery operations.
  • Ensure that the registered user has the appropriate privileges (local administrator) to execute the ISV backup software when registering a legacy ISV Backup Server. See ISV documentation for details.

  1. Click the main menu and then click Exchange Databases > Servers.
  2. On the master pane of the Servers screen, click +Servers.
  3. Provide the following details:
    • IP Address of Host Name - The IP address or the fully qualified domain name of the server.

    • Port - [Optional] The port number of the server.

      By default, RMC-E operates on port 50002. If port 50002 is already in use, you can change the port during the server registration.

    • Username - The username for server login.

    • Password - The password for login username.

    • Description- [Optional] Short description about the server.

  4. Click Add.

    When you are registering multiple servers with the same Username, Password and Port, use the Add + button and enter only the IP Address of the next server.