Registering with HPE Infosight

By selecting support level as "Passive" you select to send basic RMC configuration information and performance data to HPE Infosight, which ensures HPE support personnel have the essential information about your environment handy if you ever have to call for support. By collecting and correlating data from across the installed base, all customers benefit as it enables HPE to improve future RMC products and updates and make them smarter and more reliable

All the information collected from RMC appliance is sent to the Enterprise server

  1. Navigate to HPE Recovery Manager Central > Getting Started screen and then click HPE Infosight.
  2. In the General Setting section, perform the following:
    1. Select the Support Level as either Passive or No Support.

    2. Specify if you require HPE support as either Yes or No.

    3. (Optional) Specify the Infosight Access Token.

  3. In the Proxy section, perform the following:
    1. Select or clear the Proxy server option.

    2. Select the Protocol as either HTTPS or SOCKS.

    3. Enter the IP Address or Hostname and the Port number.

    4. Select or clear the Proxy server authentication.

  4. In the Customer Information section, specify your contact details.
  5. Select or clear Advanced. Specify the Enterprise Server if you select Advanced option.
  6. Click Save, Continue.