Cannot create the Quorum Witness 4.0.x client configuration in HPE SSMC


The Quorum Witness (QW) server is active and running with valid certificates, but the Quorum Witness client cannot be configured.

Solution 1

HPE SSMC or a third-party port scan tool shows port 8443 is not open or a firewall is on and blocking the connections from the storage systems.


Quorum Witness server

  1. Log in as the root user to the Quorum Witness server.
  2. Confirm that the Quorum Witness server is running.
    systemctl status qwserv
    ● qwserv.service - Quorum Witness server daemon
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/qwserv.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-05-23 10:16:07 MDT; 6 days ago
     Main PID: 52545 (qwserv)
       CGroup: /system.slice/qwserv.service
               ├─52545 /usr/local/bin/qwserv -c /usr/local/etc/cert.pem -ca /usr/...
               └─52546 /usr/local/bin/qwserv -c /usr/local/etc/cert.pem -ca /usr/...

    Active: active (running) indicates that the server is running.

  3. Add the port to the firewall.
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp --permanent
  4. (Optional) Review the /var/log/qwserv/qwserv.log for additional debugging information.
  5. Reload the firewall.
    firewall-cmd --reload

Storage systems

  1. On both storage systems, confirm that the storage systems are connected to the Quorum Witness server.
    cli% setrcopytarget witness check -ssl <new_witness_IP>

    Where: <new_witness_IP>—The IP address or FQDN of the Quorum Witness server

    Connectivity check passed
Solution 2