Remote Copy target has failed


An HPE SSMC error indicates the Remote Copy target has failed.


One of the storage systems is down or all Remote Copy links are down so the Remote Copy configuration has lost communication. Use CLI commands to troubleshoot. See the HPE Primera OS Command Line Interface Reference Guide for more information.

  1. Log in to the source storage system.
  2. Confirm that a Remote Copy target has failed.
    cli% showrcopy targets
    Remote Copy System Information
    Status: Started, Normal
    Target Information
    Name     ID Type Status Options Policy
    SysB_pri 35 IP   failed -       mirror_config
  3. Wait a few minutes and then determine if the target recovers and changes to a ready status.
    cli% showrcopy targets
    Remote Copy System Information
    Status: Started, Normal
    Target Information
    Name     ID Type Status Options Policy
    SysB_pri 35 IP   ready  -       mirror_config
    1. If the target Status is ready, go to the next step.
    2. If the target Status is failed, contact the system administrator for the failed system.
  4. Determine if the RCIP links have come back up.
    cli% showrcopy links
    Remote Copy System Information
    Status: Started, Normal
    Link Information
    Target   Node  Address       Status Options
    SysB_pri 0:1:1 Up     5120KB/s tput
    SysB_pri 1:1:1 Up     5120KB/s tput
    receive  0:1:1 receive       Up     -
    receive  1:1:1 receive       Up     -
    1. If the Status of all the links is Up, go to the next step.
    2. If the Status for any link is Down, see "Remote Copy link has failed".
  5. Determine if the Remote Copy groups have started.
    cli% showrcopy groups
    Remote Copy System Information
    Status: Started, Normal
    Group Information
    Name         Target     Status   Role       Mode     Options
    SysBGroup1   SysB_pri   Started  Primary    Sync
      LocalVV       ID   RemoteVV      ID   SyncStatus    LastSyncTime
      AB10         15642 AB10.0       16102 Synced       NA
      AB11         15643 AB11.1       16103 Synced       NA
    1. If the SyncStatus is Synced, the Remote Copy configuration is running properly.
    2. If the SyncStatus is Syncing, wait a few minutes and repeat the command until the status is synced.
    3. If the SyncStatus is Stopped, start the Remote Copy groups in SSMC.