Generating a CSR for the Quorum Witness client on each storage system

  • The Peer Persistence or three data center Peer Persistence (3DC PP) configuration that will use Quorum Witness (QW)

  • A Certificate Authority tool

  • Access to HPE SSMC

  1. On the HPE SSMC main menu, select Remote Copy Configurations under DATA PROTECTION.
  2. In the list pane, select the Peer Persistence Remote Copy configuration, and then select Actions > Manage Certificates.

    The Manage Quorum Witness Certificates screen opens.

    Screenshot Quorum Witness Certificates

Source system

  1. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for the source system.
    1. Under Certificate Management, select the source system from the System drop-down list.
    2. Click the Generate CSR radio button.
    3. Click Generate CSR.

      The Set CSR Details screen appears.

      Screensot Set CSR details

    4. Enter the source system information and location.
      • Common Name: The FQDN of the source system

      • DNS: The name of the source system as it is known in DNS

      • IP: The IP address of the source system

    5. Click OK.
    6. On the Certificate Management screen, click Save.

      The CSR is downloaded to your local download directory.

    7. Move the file to the predefined \csrs directory.
      For example, C:\qw-secure\csrs.

Target system

  1. Generate a CSR for the target system from the Manage Quorum Witness Certificates screen.
    1. Select the target system from the System drop-down list.
    2. Click the Generate CSR radio button.
    3. Click Generate CSR.
    4. Enter the target system information and location on the details screen.
      • Common Name: The FQDN of the target system

      • DNS: The name of the target system as it is known in DNS

      • IP: The IP address of the target system

    5. Click OK.
    6. On the Certificate Management screen, click Save.

      The CSR is downloaded to your local download directory.

    7. Move the file to the predefined \csrs directory.

Certificate Authority tool

  1. Access the CA tool.
  2. Request a CA-signed certificate for each storage system using the copied CSR files you generated.
  3. When you receive the CA-signed certificates:
    1. Make sure that the certificates are compliant to X.509 certificate format and PEM encoding.
    2. Move the certificates to your predefined CA-signed certificates folder.
      For example, C:\qw-secure\certs.