Creating a 3DC PP Remote Copy group

A three data center Peer Persistence (3DC PP) group is the same as a Peer Persistence group with a third target. Synchronous targets are between the primary and secondary systems and asynchronous periodic targets are between the primary or secondary systems and the tertiary system.

In this example, create a Peer Persistence group between System1 and System2, and periodic mode between System1 and System3.

  • The virtual volumes for the Remote Copy group are the same size on both the source and target systems and have snapshot space allocated. Although different volume types are supported, HPE recommends both systems use the same type of volumes from the same type of media. For example, both systems have thinly provisioned volumes on SSD.

  • If using virtual domains, virtual volumes for the source and target systems are in domains of the same name. See the HPE SSMC online help for information about creating virtual volumes.

  1. On the HPE SSMC main menu, select Remote Copy Groups under DATA PROTECTION.
  2. Click + Create group or select Actions > Create.
  3. To enter information for the Source system (System1), follow the instructions on the screen.
    1. Enter Group name.
    2. Select Create automatically for Remote virtual volumes to create volumes with a common WWN.

      Volumes with a common WWN are required.

    3. Select the User CPG for the user volumes and the Copy CPG for the replicated copies (snapshots).

      As a best practice, use the same common provisioning group (CPG) for both the user and copy CPG.

    4. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends selecting Enable for Auto synchronize.

      This policy automatically recovers and synchronizes the virtual volumes in the Remote Copy group if a failover occurs.

    5. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends selecting Advanced options at the top of the screen. Then select Auto recover.

      This policy automatically restarts the Remote Copy group if a link pair goes down.

  4. Enable Additional target.
  5. To enter information for the first Target system (System2), follow the instructions on the screen.
    1. Select Synchronous for Mode.
    2. Select the User CPG for the user volumes and the Copy CPG for the replicated copies (snapshots).

      As a best practice, use the same CPG for both the user and copy CPG.

    3. If you do not want to automatically start the Remote Copy group, select No for Start group after completion.

      Yes is the default.

  6. To enter information for the Second Target system (System3), follow the instructions on the screen.
    1. Select Periodic for Mode.
    2. Select Enabled for Sync period, and then enter the synchronization period (time between start of resynchronizations).

      Over period alerts are automatically generated if periodic synchronization does not complete within the specified synchronization period.

    3. If you do not want alerts generated, select Advanced options at the top of the screen. Then select Disabled for Over period alert.
    4. If you do not want to automatically start the Remote Copy group, select No for Start group after completion.

      Yes is the default.

  7. Under Peer Persistence, select Multi-target Peer Persistence.

    Path management and Auto failover are automatically selected.

  8. Under Volume Pairs, click Add source volumes, and then follow the instructions on the screen.
  9. Click Create.
  10. Create additional Remote Copy groups between the systems.