Report access types (system, private, public)

Reports can have one of the following access types:

System. A system report is a report that has been created automatically by a storage system. A system report is visible to all users of the storage system, but cannot be edited. Users with appropriate roles can delete a system report, which makes the report not visible to that user.

Private. A private report is a report that has been created by user and designated by that user as being private. A private report is visible only to the user that created the report. A private report can only be edited or deleted by the user that created the report.

Public. A public report is a report that has been created by a user and designated by that user as being public. A public report is visible to all users of the storage system, but the report can only be edited by the user that created the report. When a public report is deleted by the user that created the report, the report is not visible to any users. And, the report is removed from the instance of HPE SSMC. When a public report is deleted by another user, the report is not visible to that user.


System Reporter generates nine default reports when a storage system is added in SSMC. The reports are public reports and cannot be edited. When you add each storage system, nine reports are added to the left side of the System Reporter screen. You can choose to hide the system generated from the UI by setting the System generated reports option to No. You can change the settings for the System generated reports in the Edit Global settings dialog.