Alerts for physical drive raw space

HPE 3PAR Storage systems check every hour to see if the total available raw space on physical drives has fallen below system thresholds. Total raw space alerts are issued as follows:

Critical alert – 95% or more of physical drive raw space is allocated; 5% or less is free. Hewlett Packard Enterprise strongly recommends adding physical drive capacity as soon as possible to prevent write failures.

Major alert – 85% or more of physical drive raw space is allocated; 15% or less is free. Hewlett Packard Enterprise strongly recommends adding physical drive capacity as soon as possible.

Minor alert – 75% or more of physical drive raw space is allocated; 25% or less is free. Hewlett Packard Enterprise strongly recommends adding physical drive capacity.

Info alert – 50% or more of physical drive raw space is allocated; 50% or less is free. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends adding physical drive capacity.

See also: Alerts.

User-defined raw space alerts

User-defined raw space alerts can be established for physical drive device types. The thresholds can be set from 10 to 1,000,000 GiB using the HPE 3PAR MC Edit System dialog or using the HPE 3PAR CLI setsys commands. User-defined raw space alerts are issued at the same 95%, 85%, 75%, and 50% levels as the total system alerts.


  • When interpreting raw space alerts in HPE SSMC, consider that user-defined raw space thresholds might have been set in other management software.

  • The alerts for total physical drive raw space are always on and cannot be turned off. User-defined alerts for physical drive raw space can be turned on and off in the HPE 3PAR MC and HPE 3PAR CLI.