Edit Global Settings

You can review or change the following settings.

Capacity Formats: The Capacity Formats panel shows the units of measure and decimal formats that are used when capacities are displayed.

Main Menu Compact View: The Main Menu Compact View panel summarizes the screen categories that can be included in the compact version of the main menu.

  • A gray check mark indicates that the screen or screen category is always included in the compact menu. This default setting cannot be changed.

  • A black check mark indicates that the screen or screen category is included in the compact menu. If required, you can clear the screen or screen category to remove it from the compact menu.

  • No check mark indicates that the screen or screen category is not included in the compact menu. If required, you can select the screen or screen category to add it to the compact menu.

System Reporter: The System Reporter panel shows settings for reports. You can hover over fields to display tooltips.

Shared directory path is the location where the scheduled reports are to be saved. By default, the scheduled reports are saved at /ssmcbase/data/persist/scheduledreports directory, but users can configure this path.

You can select the format in which you want the reports to appear using the Email report formats option. You can choose PDF, CSV, or both simultaneously.

To view the display percentile values in the performance reports, set the Display percentile option to Yes; otherwise set to No. If you set the value to Yes, the chart displays the percentile for various metrics (for example, read IOPS, write IOPS, total IOPS) in the performance report. When Display percentile is enabled, you get an option to specify the percentile value from 1 to 99, with a maximum of two comma-separated values. Also, you can select the preference to view the percentile either per chart or per series.

The system-generated reports appear in the left side of the System Reporter screen, if you enable the System generated reports option. If the option is set to No, the reports are still generated, but are not added to the system Reporter screen. The default selection of System generated reports is Yes. If you set the value to Yes, the default system-generated reports appear. By default, nine reports that are created when you install or upgrade SSMC or add an array. If you delete the default reports, you cannot retrieve the reports by toggling Yes or No. Remove and add the array again to regenerate all default reports.

By default, the System generated reports is set to Yes when SSMC is a fresh installation or an upgrade to the newer version.


  • To configure the shared directory path, create the directory under /home/ssmcadmin. The SSMC administrator has to provide appropriate permission to the new directory path: Chmod 777 /home/ssmcadmin/DirectoryName. Directory name refers to the new directory that is created by the administrator.

  • Preserve the System generated reports settings during upgrades. That is, if the option was set to No in previous release and you are upgrading SSMC now, retain the setting as No itself.

  • If you delete all default reports, then toggling System generated reports to Yes/No will not restore the reports. You have to remove and add the storage system again to regenerate the default reports.

  • If you choose to create custom reports based on specific needs and are not using the default reports you can delete the system-generated reports manually.

SMTP: The SMTP panel shows configuration settings for the SMTP server. You can hover over fields to display tooltips.


  • You can enter the SMTP server address and port details in the SMTP server and SMTP port fields respectively.

  • If the SMTP server requires access authorization, select Yes in the SMTP server authorization field, and then enter a user name and password to access the server.

  • You can send a test email to one or more recipients after you enter the SMTP server settings. The Default email recipients field enables you to send emails for reports and threshold alerts to multiple recipients.

Other Formats: The Other Formats panel shows the formats that are used when date and time and WWNs are displayed.

Tip: Browser option settings for languages also affect the date and time format. For example, showing English (United Kingdom) 24-hour format or English (United States) showing 12-hour, AM/PM format.

Preferences: The Preferences panel indicates whether a global setting is enabled. You can hover over fields to display tooltips.


  • The Display system activities preference indicates whether system tasks are displayed when you are filtering by All types on the Activity screen and Schedules screen.

  • The Advanced port options preference indicates whether the Issue LIP action is listed on the Ports screen Actions menu. By default, the Issue LIP action is disabled and does not appear in the Ports screen Actions menu.Caution: Issuing a LIP command resets the topology for the entire Fibre Channel loop on which the port is located. The LIP reset impacts other ports on the loop.

  • The session timeout preference enables you to specify time for which the user can remain idle before the system automatically logs them out. The Session Timeout preference is disabled by default and to specify the time, you have to choose Yes. The default session timeout is set to 30 minutes, but you can change it based on requirement.

When you have completed your choices, click OK to start the action and close the dialog.

To restore all settings to their default values, click Restore Defaults.

Data Tables. The Data Tables panel shows the display settings for list panes. You can hover over fields to display tooltips.

Dialog Window Default Display: The Dialog Window Default Display panel shows whether certain content in dialogs is collapsed or expanded when the dialog opens. When selected, the content is expanded when the dialog opens. When not selected, the content is collapsed when the dialog opens.

Tip: To display collapsed content in a dialog, you can click an expand icon ().

Application: The Application panel allows you to enable and disable:
  • Stop logins on first failure.

  • Connectivity to HPE InfoSight (option is enabled by default).

  • Advanced system performance and analytics reporting.

You can set the Topology enabled field to Yes or No. The default selection for the field is No.

You can set the allocated capacity for analytics datastore in Analytics datastore capacity field in Application panel. The options available are 10, 25, 50, and 100 GiB.

You can also enter the following details in Application panel for HPE InfoSight connectivity if necessary:
  • Web proxy address

  • Web proxy port

  • Web proxy user (not mandatory)

  • Web proxy password (not mandatory)


You can enter an http or https address, with or without authentication in proxy address field.

HPE InfoSight: The HPE InfoSight panel enables you to log in to InfoSight through HPE SSMC. You can provide the HPE InfoSight login credentials and certificate in this panel. HPE InfoSight certificate is mandatory only when SSMC is operating in FIPS mode.

Learn more: Login banner message – using, Stop logins on first failure, Enable FIPS mode, and Enable connectivity to HPE InfoSight.

Debug: The Debug panel shows settings for debugging. Enabling the Debug mode option allows you to provide the Debug commands and System WWNs in the panel. You can enter the specific CLI commands in the debug command field. The debug logs are saved for reference. The SSMC log file (ssmc.log) records the responses from the storage system for the specific commands.

Enable the debug option when Hewlett Packard Enterprise support requests data about specific commands for troubleshooting purpose.

Learn more: Capacity units, World Wide Names (WWNs), Banner and Main menu, Scheduled report files and email, Threshold alerts and email.