Selecting Host Set (to add virtual volumes in App volume set)

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To navigate to App Volume Sets screen, select a host set and associate the virtual volumes to an app volume set, do the following:

  1. On the main menu, select Block Persona > App Volume Sets > Create App Volume Set > Add Virtual Volumes.
  2. Select the Host Set option from the available App Volume set filters.
  3. Click Select Host Set.

    A Select Host Set nested dialog opens.

    A list of host sets is displayed with their host set name and member details. You can filter the list by entering text in the Search box. When filtered, the list shows only the items that contain the search text in the list columns.

  4. You can also select a host set to view the virtual volumes exported to the host set. You can then add the virtual volumes to the app volume set.
    A list of virtual volumes with the following details appears with the selection of the host set option:
    • Volume name

    • Volume set

    • Restrict export to one host

    • Virtual size

    • Exported to

  5. When you have completed your choices, click Select to accept your choices and close the dialog, or click Cancel if you are not sure about the selection.