Editing App Volume Sets

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To navigate to App Volume Sets screen and edit an app volume set, do the following:

  1. On the main menu, select Block Persona > App Volume Sets.
  2. In the list pane, select an app volume set, and then click Edit on the Actions menu.

    The Edit App Volume Set dialog opens.

  3. Edit the required and optional settings.



    Unique name for the app volume set. Name of the application instance consuming storage from the virtual volumes on the 3PAR storage system.


    The storage system in which the app volume set is created. You cannot edit the System settings.


    The domain in which the app volume set is created. You cannot edit the Domain settings.


    Application for which the app volume set is created. Type of the application instance consuming storage from the virtual volumes on an HPE Primera and 3PAR Storage system.

    Business unit:

    Name of business unit where the app volume set is available.


    Any comments on the app volume set.

    App Volume Set Members

    Displays the app volume sets that you want to edit in a tabular format with the following information:
    Volume Name:

    Name for the virtual volume you want to create.

    Virtual Size:

    Size of the virtual volume you want to create (in GiB).

    Exported To:

    Displays the hosts or hosts sets to which the virtual volumes associated to the app volume set is exported.

    You can add virtual volumes by clicking the Add virtual volumes (Adding Virtual Volume (to App Volume Set)) option available in the panel.
  4. When you have completed your choices, click Ok to start the action and close the dialog, or click Cancel if you are not sure about the edit.

    Learn more: App Volume Sets