Replication modes for Remote Copy

The replication modes for Remote Copy volume groups are:

Replication mode Difference between other modes RPO
Synchronous (sync): Synchronous mode volume groups stay synchronized as long as the replication links remain up and available. Data concurrency is greater than in asynchronous periodic mode or asynchronous streaming mode, but host write I/O response times may be higher than in asynchronous periodic or asynchronous streaming mode. RPO is 0.
Asynchronous periodic (periodic): Asynchronous periodic mode volume groups resynchronize at specific intervals using snapshots. Host I/O write response times can be better than in synchronous mode, but data is not always in sync. For properly sized replication links, the RPO is 2 times the replication period chosen for the Remote Copy group (minimum of 10 minutes).
Asynchronous streaming (async): Asynchronous streaming mode volume groups replicate data to the secondary system constantly. Data concurrency is greater than asynchronous periodic mode, but not as good as synchronous mode. Host I/O write response times can be better than synchronous mode. For properly sized replication links, the maximum RPO is 2 minutes.