Configure Networking

The Configuring Network link launches the Network Configuration Tool (NCT) that provides you guided configuration of network teams, network interfaces, VLANs, and IP addresses. Also, you can import a previously saved network configuration. For more information on importing a saved configuration using a network configuration file, refer to Importing Network Configuration.

To modify the network configuration, launch the NCT using any of the following methods:

  • Open a command prompt or PowerShell, as an administration, and type NCT.
  • Open Server Manager and select Tools > StoreEasy > Configure Networking.
  • Double-click System Tools folder on the desktop and select Configure Networking.
  • Click Configure Networking on the Start screen.
If the configuration has changed when NCT is launched, NCT discovers the current network configuration of the system and validates. After completion, the left pane lists the discovered interfaces and their operational state. Hovering over a network interface, displays the device name, interface name, and the status. The right pane displays the current configuration step.
IMPORTANT: If the network configuration of the system is changed with any other tool, while you are using the NCT, the change is reflected only when you close and relaunch the NCT.

The NCT wizard includes the following:

  1. Network Interfaces Settings
  2. Network Team Configuration
  3. Network VLAN Configuration
  4. Network Interface IP Configuration
  5. Network Configuration Summary
  6. Network Validation