Physical drive properties

Properties Description
Name The name of the physical drive indicates the location of the drive in the array.
For physical drives using a Smart Array controller, the drive name comes from the HPE Smart Array (SSACLI) output. For example, 2_2E:1:2 where:
  • 2_ indicates the PCIe port where the Smart Array controller is installed. In this example, it is in PCIe slot 2. 0 indicates an ALOM port. 0b indicates S100i.

  • 2E indicates the port on the controller followed by E for external or I for internal to the system.

  • 1 indicates the drive enclosure box number.

  • 2 indicates the drive bay.

State The health state of the physical drive.
  • Healthy: The physical drive is healthy.

  • Warning: The physical drive is in a state that requires interaction before further execution. In most cases, a warning represents the degraded, stressed, aborted, dormant, relocating, detached, or incomplete state.

  • Unhealthy: Indicates that the physical drive requires attention.

  • Unknown: The status of the physical drive is unknown. The unknown error occurs if there is a loss of communication or if the state is unknown.

Size The total physical storage size of the physical drive in units. For example, 240 GiB.
Array The storage array name on the physical drive.
Serial Number The serial number of the physical drive as provided by the manufacturer.
Part Number The part number of the physical drive as provided by the manufacturer.
Media Type The physical drive type that stores the application and user data.
  • HDD: Hard disk drive used for storing and retrieving data.

  • SDD: Solid-state drive used either for storing and retrieving data or as a caching device.

Model The model number of the physical drive as provided by the manufacturer.
Manufacturer The name of the physical drive manufacturer.
Firmware Version The firmware version installed on the physical drive.
Usage The allocation method, or how the physical drive is used.
  • Auto-Select: This physical drive should only be used for data storage.

  • Manual-Select: This physical drive should only be used if manually selected by an administrator at the time of logical drive creation. A manual-select drive is selected using the PhysicalDrivesToUse parameter to CreateLogicalDrive.

  • Hot Spare: This physical drive should be used as a hot spare. A hot spare is a drive used to replace a failed drive. The spare must use the same media type as the drive it is replacing.

  • Journal: This physical drive should be used as a cache for other devices comprising a logical drive. It will back a logical drive’s write-back cache, if configured.

  • Retired: This physical drive should be retired from use. At a minimum, no new allocations should go to this drive. If the logical drives that reside on this drive are repaired, the data should be moved to another active physical drive.

  • Unknown: The intended usage is not specified.

Smart Array controller The name of the Smart Array controller associated with the physical drive.
Drive Enclosure The name of the drive enclosure which contains the physical drive.
Slot The drive enclosure slot number where the drive physically resides.