NFS properties

The following table describes the field names shown in the HPE StoreEasy management console status screen for a selected NFS file share. You can configure some of these items when you create a file share. You can add or modify others when you edit a file share. Other properties provide information only and are not modifiable by the user under file shares.

Property Description

NFS file share name. Users and applications use this name to find the file share on the network. NFS does not provide a description field, so use friendly naming conventions that make it easier to discern the purpose of the share.

Allowed characters in names are: ~!@$%^& ()_-+=;',

Restricted characters in NFS file share names are: *:?/\><"|.# `{[}]. Names cannot include spaces.

Local Path

Full or absolute path to a directory on the local system. Composed of one or more pathname components (drive, directories, file separated by the backward slash ( \ ) character.


File sharing protocol selected for the file share, either SMB or NFS (see, NFS file shares and SMB file shares.


A storage device, such as a fixed disk, formatted to store directories and files. You can divide a large volume into more than one logical volume, also called a partition (see, Volumes).


A limit set by a system administrator that restricts the amount of space a file share can use on a shared system. Quotas help to allocate limited disk space in a reasonable way.

Availability Type

Displays whether the file share uses high availability (clustered). Because StoreEasy does not support clustering, so this setting defaults to Not Clustered. If the HPE StoreEasy system reboots or is unavailable, clients are unable to access their data.

Remote Path

Remote path to the file share location. Includes the name of the file server and the name of the NFS file share.

\\<file server>\<nfs_share_name>

Authentication: Lists the authentication types available to validate user information for access to NFS shares (see also, NFS authentication). Kerberos is an authentication protocol included in Microsoft Windows Server operating systems beginning with Windows Server 2003. An administrator completes the Kerberos configuration before users attempt communication. Check with your network administrator to determine the correct Kerberos v5 authentication method to use for your file share. For more information see, Kerberos Authentication.
Kerberos v5 authentication

Kerberos is an industry standard network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography. An auxiliary, trusted service helps ensure the authenticity of file servers and users.

Kerberos v5 authentication and integrity

Provides an additional level of security to protect data integrity. Ensures that the information sent in the data transfer is the same as the information received.

Kerberos v5 authentication and privacy

Encrypts messages to ensure data privacy.


Provides the traditional method of security with NFS. Authenticates the client host, not the user.

Enable unmapped user access

HPE StoreEasy management console does not offer support for user mapping, so this setting is read only.

Share Permissions: Identifies the type of access permission allowed on the selected share (see, NFS permissions).