Installing dependent packages

  1. To install the dependency packages, run the following commands:
    yum install –y docker socat openvswitch python-cliff \
    libvirt python-setuptools python-requests
  2. If you use proxy servers for the Internet connectivity, perform the following steps in the httpproxy.conf file:
    1. To navigate to the system directory, run the following command:
      cd /etc/systemd/system
    2. To create the docker.service.d directory, run the following command:
      mkdir docker.service.d
    3. To navigate to the docker.service.d directory, run the following command:
      cd docker.service.d
    4. If proxy does not require username and password:
      1. To edit the http-proxy.conf file, run the following command:
        vim http-proxy.conf
      2. Add the following entries in the http-proxy.conf file:
        			Environment="HTTP_PROXY=<HTTP proxy URL and port number>"
        			Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=<HTTPS proxy URL and port number>"
      3. Save and exit the http-proxy.conf file.

      4. To edit the https-proxy.conf file, run for the following command:
      5. Add the following entries in the https-proxy.conf file:
        			Environment="HTTP_PROXY=<HTTP proxy URL and port number>"
        			Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=<HTTPS proxy URL and port number>"
      6. Save and exit the https-proxy.conf file.

    5. If proxy requires username and password:
      1. To edit the http-proxy.conf file, run the following command:
        vim http-proxy.conf
      2. Add the following entries in the http-proxy.conf file:
        			Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://{{ proxy_user }}:{{ proxy_password }}@<HTTP proxy URL and port
        			Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=http://{{ proxy_user }}:{{ proxy_password }}@<HTTPS proxy URL and port
      3. Save and exit the http-proxy.conf file.

      4. To edit the https-proxy.conf file, run the following command:
        vim https-proxy.conf
      5. Add the following entries in the https-proxy.conf file:
        			Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://{{ proxy_user }}:{{ proxy_password }}@<HTTP proxy URL and port
        			Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=http://{{ proxy_user }}:{{ proxy_password }}@<HTTPS proxy URL and port
      6. Save and exit the https-proxy.conf file.

  3. To verify the status of Docker, run the following command:
    systemctl status docker
  4. Configure your NPS toolkit controller with your NTP server and synchronize the NPS toolkit controller with the NTP server. If required, update the time zone of your system.