Installing Cumulus Linux NOS and license on ONIE switches

  1. Ensure you are registered with Cumulus Networks. For registration, see Cumulus Login Page.

  2. Ensure that a valid NOS license is available for the data switches.

  1. To download the appropriate Cumulus Linux image file for the x86 platform, navigate to the Cumulus Networks download page.
  2. To download and prepare the image for installation, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Downloads page, specify the following options and click Download:
      • Product: Cumulus Linux

      • CPU: x86

      • SOC: Mellanox (for HPE StoreFabric)

      • Version: 3.7.13

    2. Store the downloaded image file to desired location.
    3. Rename the downloaded image file to onie-installer-x86_64.
    4. Record the license key string from the provided license.
  3. Install the Cumulus Linux NOS and the Cumulus Linux license on the HPE StoreFabric SN2100M switches using the following steps:
    1. Log in to the SN2100M switch using the serial console.
    2. Set the following values in the serial console:
      • Default Baud rate: 115,200 bps

      • Character Size: 8 characters

      • Parity: None

      • Stop bit: One

      • Data bits: 8

      • Flow control: None

    3. Install the Cumulus Linux using one of following options:
      • DHCP/web server with and without DHCP options

      • Web server without DHCP

      • FTP or TFTP without a web server

      • Local file

      For detailed installation procedure, see Cumulus Documentation.

    4. Power on the HPE StoreFabric SN2100M switch.
    5. You can install the Cumulus Linux using one of the following options:
      • From ONIE

      • From Cumulus Linux

      For more information, see Cumulus Documentation and use the appropriate command for installing the NOS.

      1. To install from ONIE, in the GRUB screen of the HPE StoreFabric SN2100M switch console, select the ONIE option and press Enter.
        Figure 6: Switch Console GRUB screen
      2. To install using Cumulus Linux, in the GRUB screen of the HPE StoreFabric SN2100M switch console, select the Cumulus Linux GNU/Linux option and press Enter.
        Figure 7: Switch console (Cumulus) GRUB screen
    6. Ensure that the *ONIE: Install OS option is selected, and press Enter.
      Figure 8: ONIE Install OS
    7. After the installation is successfully completed, the switch is automatically rebooted into the newly installed instance of Cumulus Linux.
  4. After the HPE StoreFabric SN2100M switch has successfully rebooted, login to the HPE StoreFabric SN2100M switch using the default credentials.

    The default username is cumulus and the default password is CumulusLinux!.

  5. Modify the default password using the following commands with suitable values:
    sudo passwd cumulus
    [sudo] password for cumulus: <Enter the default password>
    Enter new UNIX password: <Enter the new password>
    Retype new UNIX password: <Enter the new password again>
  6. Install the Cumulus Linux license, perform the following steps:
    1. Copy the Cumulus Linux license key from the license file and run the following command:
      sudo cl-license -i
      <paste Cumulus Linux license key>

      Press the Enter key and then press the ctrl+d keys.

    2. After the Cumulus Linux license is successfully installed, restart the switchd service. To restart the switchd service, run the following command:
      sudo systemctl restart switchd
  7. If the IP is not assigned to eth0 by DHCP, run the following commands to assign IP address manually on both the switches:
    net add interface eth0 ip address <IP from ILO-OOBM range>/<subnet mask>
    net add interface eth0 ip gateway <ILO OOBM network's gateway>
    net commit
  8. Optional: You can upgrade the Cumulus Linux NOS by any of the following methods:
    • Install a disk image of the new version, using ONIE (This is the preferred method).

    • Upgrade only the changed packages using the sudo -E apt-get update and the sudo -E apt-get upgrade commands.

    For more information on upgrading the Cumulus Linux NOS, see Cumulus Linux User Guide.

    The following table shows the sample configuration values for VLAN IDs and IP interfaces:
    Table 16: Sample VLAN IDs and IP interfaces
    VLAN name VLAN ID Network ID Default gateway Usable IP address range
    iLO 31 10.xx.xx.0/24 10.xx.xx.1 10.xx.xx.5 - 10.xx.xx.254
    OCP 301 10.xx.xx.0/24 10.xx.xx.1 10.xx.xx.5 - 10.xx.xx.254
    OAM 305 10.xx.xx.0/24 10.xx.xx.1 10.xx.xx.5 - 10.xx.xx.254
    Provider VLAN 380-399