Autodeploy VIM Undercloud

The following image displays the processes in autodeploying the Undercloud.

Figure 11: Autodeploying Undercloud process

  • Ensure that the repo container is up and running in the NPS toolkit VM.

  • Ensure that the NTP server is running and is synchronous.

  1. Create a Directory /var/nps/vim in the Undercloud host and copy the Undercloud QCOW2 image to the /var/nps/vim directory on the Undercloud host.

    For more information about obtaining the QCOW2 image and its password, see the latest HPE Telco Blueprint Release Notes available at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Information Library

  2. Autodeploy Undercloud VM on the Undercloud host using the following command from the NPS toolkit VM.
    nps deploy -s  vim_undercloud -a autodeploy

    During the execution of this command, the NPS toolkit VM creates a <topology_name_undercloud_autodeploy> pod and performs all the actions mentioned Autodeploying Undercloud Process image.

  3. Check the status of the installation using the following command:
    nps show --data vim --node undercloud

    Wait until the status is displayed as CONFIGURED.


    In case of failure, re-run the auto deploy command after fixing the issue. For more details to run individual tasks, see Installing VIM Undercloud.