Installing VIM Undercloud

The following image displays the processes in the Undercloud installation and configuration:

Figure 19: Undercloud installation and configuration

  • Create Directory /var/nps/vim on Undercloud host and copy the Undercloud QCOW2 image to /var/nps/vim directory on the Undercloud host.

    For more information about obtaining the QCOW2 image and its password, see HPE Telco Blueprint Release Notes located at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Information Library.

  • To perform this procedure, you must be logged into the NPS toolkit VM as the root user.

  1. To install the Undercloud VM on the Undercloud host:
    1. From NPS toolkit VM, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s  vim_undercloud –a install
    2. To check the status of the install operation, run the following command:
      nps show --data vim --node undercloud
      Wait until the status is displayed as INSTALLED or INSTALL_FAILED.
      1. If the state is displayed as INSTALLED, verify that the Undercloud VM is created and running on the Undercloud host using the following command:
        virsh list --all
      2. To verify the Undercloud VM, log in to the Undercloud VM using the following command:
        ssh stack@<OAM IP address of Undercloud VM>

        The OAM IP address and the password of the Undercloud VM is available in the input JSON file in the vim > undercloud > stack_pw section.

      3. If the state is displayed as INSTALL_FAILED, analyze the nps-rhosp-<topology_name>-ansible.log and the nps-rhosp-cli-<topology_name>-date.log files in the /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/ directory of the NPS toolkit VM. Based on the log files, complete the corrective actions.

      4. Before proceeding with the installation again, you must uninstall the failed Undercloud VM. To uninstall the Undercloud VM, run the following command:
        nps deploy -s vim_undercloud -a uninstall
      5. After the uninstall operation is completed, to install the Undercloud VM again, run the following command:
        nps deploy -s vim_undercloud -a install

        If the Undercloud uninstall operation fails, for information about rectifying this error, see Rectifying Undercloud uninstall failures.

  2. Register the Undercloud VM with the Red Hat repository:
    1. To register, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s  vim_undercloud -a register
    2. To check the status of the registration operation, run the following command:
      nps show --data vim --node undercloud
      Wait until the status is displayed as REGISTERED or REGISTER_FAILED.
      1. If the state is displayed as REGISTERED, log in to the Undercloud VM using the following command:
        ssh stack@<OAM IP address of Undercloud VM>
      2. Verify that the Undercloud VM is registered with the Red Hat repositories by executing the following command:
        yum repolist
      3. If the state is displayed as REGISTER_FAILED, analyze the nps-rhosp-<topology_name>-ansible.log and the nps-rhosp-cli-<topology_name>-date.log files in the /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/ directory of the Remote NPS toolkit VM. Based on the log files, complete the corrective actions.

      4. To register the Undercloud VM again, run the following command:
        nps deploy -s vim_undercloud -a register
  3. Configuring the Undercloud OpenStack service:
    1. To configure the Undercloud OpenStack service, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s  vim_undercloud -a configure
    2. To check the status of the configure operation, run the following command:
      nps show --data vim --node undercloud

      Wait until the status is displayed as CONFIGURED or CONFIGURE_FAILED.

      If the state is displayed as CONFIGURE_FAILED, analyze the nps-rhosp-<topology_name>-ansible.log and the nps-rhosp-cli-<topology_name>-date.log files in the /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/ directory of the NPS toolkit VM. Based on the log files, complete the corrective actions.

    3. To perform the configure operation again, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s vim_undercloud -a configure