Autodeploying VIM Overcloud with HPE 3PAR

  • To perform this procedure, you must be logged in to the NPS toolkit VM as a root user.

  • Before deploying the VIM Overcloud, ensure that the VIM Undercloud is in CONFIGURED state.

  1. To upload and check the status of Overcloud images to Undercloud Glance, run the following commands.
    1. To upload the Overcloud images, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s  vim_overcloud -a create-images
    2. To check the status of the create-images operation, run the following command:
      nps show --data vim --node overcloud

      Wait until the status is displayed as IMAGES_UPLOADED or IMAGES_UPLOAD_FAILED.

    3. If the state is displayed as IMAGES_UPLOADED, log in to the Undercloud VM and view the list of Overcloud images that are uploaded by executing the following command:
      source stackrc
      openstack image list
    4. If the state is displayed as IMAGES_UPLOAD_FAILED, analyze the nps-rhosp-<topology_name>-ansible.log and the nps-rhosp-cli-<topology_name>-date.log files in the /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/ directory of the NPS toolkit VM. Based on the log files, complete the corrective actions.
    5. To perform the create-images operation again, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s vim_undercloud -a create-images
  2. To configure the Undercloud VM as a local repository for the container images, run the following command:
    nps deploy -s  vim_overcloud -a create-registry
  3. To check the status of the create-registry operation, run the following command:
    nps show --data vim --node overcloud

    Wait until the status is displayed as REGISTRY_CONFIGURED or REGISTRY_CONFIGURATION_FAILED.

    1. If the state is displayed as REGISTRY_CONFIGURATION_FAILED, analyze the nps-rhosp-<topology_name>-ansible.log and the nps-rhosp-cli-<topology_name>-date.log files in the /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/ directory of the NPS toolkit VM. Based on the log files, complete the corrective actions.
    2. To perform the create-registry operation again, run the following command:
      nps deploy -s vim_overcloud -a create-registry
  4. To pull the custom HPE 3PAR container image, do the following:
    1. Log in to undercloud as a stack user and run the following command:
      docker pull <localrepo ip>:8787/rhosp13/openstack-cinder-volume-hpe:latest
    2. To get the image ID, run the following command:
      docker images
    3. To tag the image, run the following command:
      docker tag <IMAGE ID> <undercloudvimpxeip>:8787/rhosp13/openstack-cinder-volume-hpe:latest
    4. To push the image to local repository, run the following command:
      docker push <undercloudvimpxeip>:8787/rhosp13/openstack-cinder-volume-hpe:latest
    5. Replace the value of DockerCinderVolumeImage parameter value with <undercloudvimpxeip>:8787/rhosp13/openstack-cinder-volume-hpe:latest
      cd /home/stack/templates/env_files
      vi overcloud_images.yaml
      DockerCinderVolumeImage: <undercloudvimpxeip>:8787/rhosp13/openstack-cinder-volume-hpe:latest
  5. Run the following Overcloud autodeploy command on NPS toolkit VM:
    nps deploy -s vim_overcloud -a autodeploy

    When this command is run, the NPS toolkit creates a nps-rhosp-cli container and initiates the nps-rhosp overcloud autodeploy command.

  6. To check the status of the installation, run the following command:
    nps show --data vim --node overcloud

    Wait until the status is displayed as OVERCLOUD_INSTALLED.


    If there is failure, rerun the auto deploy command after fixing the issue. For more details to run individual tasks, see Installing VIM Overcloud.

  7. To access the Overcloud dashboard, log in as an Administrator user using the following URL:
    http://<VIP IP address>/dashboard

    The Administrator user login credentials are available in the Undercloud VM in the /home/stack/overcloudrc file. Retrieve the VIP IP address (OS_AUTH_URL=https://<VIP IP address>) that is available in the overcloudrc file.


    If the Horizon dashboard is inaccessible (500-Internal server error), run the following commands in all the Overcloud controllers:

    sudo docker stop horizon
    sudo docker start horizon