Checking for cluster completion

Once the OpenShift Container platform 4.3 is deployed, the following checks must be performed to validate the deployment. Perform the following steps from the Bastion node.

  1. Log in to cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file:
    export KUBECONFIG=/var/nps/ISO/ign_config/auth/kubeconfig
  2. Check if all nodes (master and workers) have Status as Ready and Roles as master for master nodes and as worker for worker nodes.
    oc get nodes
    Following result is displayed:
    NAME                   STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION   Ready    master   12h   v1.16.2+45a4ac4   Ready    master   12h   v1.16.2+45a4ac4   Ready    master   12h   v1.16.2+45a4ac4   Ready    worker   12h   v1.16.2+45a4ac4   Ready    worker   12h   v1.16.2+45a4ac4
  3. Validate all operators that were deployed as part of deployment using the following command:
    oc get clusteroperator
    Following result is displayed:
    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
    authentication                             4.3.29    True        False         False      11h
    cloud-credential                           4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    console                                    4.3.29    True        False         False      11h
    dns                                        4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    image-registry                             4.3.29    True        False         False      11h
    ingress                                    4.3.29    True        False         False      11h
    insights                                   4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    kube-apiserver                             4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    kube-scheduler                             4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    machine-api                                4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    machine-config                             4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    marketplace                                4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    monitoring                                 4.3.29    True        False         False      11h
    network                                    4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    node-tuning                                4.3.29    True        False         False      11h
    openshift-apiserver                        4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    openshift-controller-manager               4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    openshift-samples                          4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    service-ca                                 4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    service-catalog-apiserver                  4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    service-catalog-controller-manager         4.3.29    True        False         False      12h
    storage                                    4.3.29    True        False         False      12h

    The sample-operator available status is false after deploying the cluster. To change the status, see Configuring the OpenShift-samples Operator.

  4. Validate if OpenShift dashboard is accessible.

    On successful completion of OpenShift container platform 4.3, you will get web-console URL and log in credentials. To enable the OpenShift dashboard, run the following command:

    openshift-install wait-for install-complete --dir=/var/nps/ISO/ign_config --log-level debug
    Following result is displayed:
    DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.3.29
    DEBUG Built from commit 96253d3f2ed8da6f70ff6ad9f69d67b65c688889
    DEBUG Fetching Install Config...
    DEBUG Loading Install Config...
    DEBUG Loading SSH Key...
    DEBUG Loading Base Domain...
    DEBUG Loading Platform...
    DEBUG Loading Cluster Name...
    DEBUG Loading Base Domain...
    DEBUG Loading Platform...
    DEBUG Loading Pull Secret...
    DEBUG Loading Platform...
    DEBUG Using Install Config loaded from state file
    DEBUG Reusing previously-fetched Install Config
    INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the cluster at to initialize...
    DEBUG Cluster is initialized
    INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created...
    DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: console
    DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: downloads
    DEBUG OpenShift console route is created
    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/var/nps/ISO/ign_config/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: kubeadmin, password: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX

    Use the username and password available in the output from the previous step.