Installation sequence

The HPE Telco Blueprint uses the NPS toolkit to deploy RHOCP. This deployment is categorized into four different stages:
  1. Pre deployment

  2. NPS deployment

  3. VIM deployment

  4. Post deployment

See Time matrix for installation sequence for the time taken to perform each step in the process.

Pre deployment

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of steps that must be completed during the pre-deployment stage:

NPS deployment

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of steps that must be completed to deploy NPS:

VIM deployment

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of steps that must be completed to deploy VIM:

Post deployment

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of steps that must be completed during the post-deployment stage:

Time matrix for installation sequence

The following table provides the information on the installation sequence for a starter kit (3 master nodes and 2 worker nodes):
  • Time taken to perform each step in the process.

  • Manual and automated steps.

Table 11: Time matrix for installation sequence for starter kit
Tasks Deployment type Duration (in mins) for Offline deployment mode Duration (in mins) for Online deployment mode
Pre deployment
Initial Nimble configuration Manual NA NA
Generate input JSON file using TICG Manual 180 180
Configure DNS and Load Balancer Manual NA NA
Install NPS Host (OS installation) Manual 10 10
Create local private registry Automated 30 NA
Mirror Operator images Automated 405 NA
NPS deployment
Prepare and deploy NPS Toolkit VM Automated 55 53
Install NPS toolkit Web API server and Redis Containers in NPS toolkit VM Automated
Download RHOCP and Nimble CSI driver artifacts Automated 15 15
Upload input JSON file generated using TICG and validate JSON Automated 2 2
Deploy ODIM Automated 5 5
Deploy CFM Automated 7 7
Enable iLO DHCP service Automated 4 4
Prepare the hardware Automated 47.5 47.5
Create port map JSON for switch automation Automated 1.5 1.5
Set up switch configuration using CFM Automated 2 2
Deploy switch configuration Automated 15 15
Connect fabric to external network Manual 10 10
VIM deployment
Create ignition files Automated 3 3
Deploy bootstrap node Automated 19 20
Deploy master node Automated 33 42
Replace bootstrap hostname entry manually in both Load Balancers and DNS with worker node Manual 5 5
Deploy RHCOS worker nodes Automated 21 34
Approve CSR for worker nodes Manual
Configure container storage interface (Nimble) Automated 8 4
Configure persistence storage for image registry Automated 3 3
Configure OperatorHub Automated 23 NA
Configure SR-IOV on worker node Automated 24 31
Post deployment
Configure external DHCP server   10 10
RHOCP post deployment customizations (optional) Automated 270 NA