Worker nodes get localhost as hostname

The worker node comes up with a hostname in the iLO console. However, the worker node in the oc get nodes command comes up without a designated hostname in the cluster.
[root@npsvm ISO]# oc get nodes
NAME                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
localhost.localdomain   Ready    worker   38m   v1.16.2+45a4ac4    Ready    master   85m   v1.16.2+45a4ac4    Ready    master   85m   v1.16.2+45a4ac4    Ready    master   85m   v1.16.2+45a4ac4    Ready    worker   38m   v1.16.2+45a4ac4

Known issue from Red Hat that occurs intermittently.

  1. Open the ILO console for the worker node where the issue is observed.
  2. Reboot the server and wait till the server comes up with a hostname.
  3. Log in to the Bastion node (NPS toolkit VM) and trigger the oc get csr command.
  4. Check for new entries with the actual hostname in pending status and approve the pending CSR.
  5. Trigger the oc get nodes command.
  6. Delete the worker with localhost.localdomain entry using the following command:
    oc delete node localhost.localdomain
  7. Trigger the oc get co command and wait till all the operators AVAILABLE status is in true state, PROGRESSING is false, and DEGRADED is false.
  8. In the autodeploy screen, enter y and proceed further with the autodeploy.