Ending a menu session and exiting the console

The method for ending a menu session and exiting the console depends on whether, during the session, any changes made to the switch configuration requires a switch reboot to activate. (Most changes via the menu interface need only a Save, and do not require a switch reboot.) Configuration changes that need a reboot are marked with an asterisk (*) next to the configured item in the menu and also next to the Switch Configuration item in the Main Menu.

Example indication of a configuration change requiring a reboot

  1. In the current session, if you have not made configuration changes that require a switch reboot to activate, return to the Main Menu and press [0] (zero) to logout. Then, exit the terminal program, turn off the terminal, or quit the Telnet session.

  2. If you have made configuration changes that require a switch reboot— that is, if an asterisk (*) appears next to a configured item or next to Switch Configuration in the Main Menu:

    1. Return to the Main Menu.

    2. Press [6] to select Reboot Switch and follow the instructions on the reboot screen.

    Rebooting the switch terminates the menu session, and if you are using Telnet, disconnects the Telnet session.

    (See Rebooting the switch.)

  3. Exit from the terminal program, turn off the terminal, or close the Telnet application program.