display diagnostic content

Use display diagnostic content to display global on-demand diagnostic test configuration.


In standalone mode:

display diagnostic content [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]

In IRF mode:

display diagnostic content [ chassis chassis-number [ slot slot-number ] ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






slot slot-number-list: Specifies a card by its slot number.

chassis chassis-number: Specifies an IRF member device. (In IRF mode.)

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information about diagnostic tests.

Usage guidelines

In standalone mode, the command displays the test settings for all cards if you do not specify the slot slot-number option.

In IRF mode, the command displays the test settings for all members if you do not specify the chassis chassis-number option. If you specify the chassis chassis-number option but do not specify the slot slot-number option, the command displays the test settings for all cards on the specified member.


# In standalone mode, display detailed configuration information for global on-demand diagnostic tests on slot 4.

<sysname> display diagnostic content slot 4 verbose
Diagnostic test suite attributes:                                               
#B/*: Bootup test/NA                                                            
#O/*: Ondemand test/NA                                                          
#M/*: Monitoring test/NA                                                        
#D/*: Disruptive test/Non-disruptive test                                       
#P/*: Per port test/NA                                                          
#A/I/*: Monitoring test is active/Monitoring test is inactive/NA                
Slot 4:                                                                        
Name                            Attributes             Interval                 
IPCMonitor                      **M*PA                 00:01:00                 
BoardStatusMonitor              **M*PA                 00:00:06                 
TaskMonitor                     **M*PA                 00:00:10                 
PortMonitor                     **M*PA                 00:00:10                 
ComponentMonitor                **M*PA                 00:00:30                 
HGMonitor                       **M*PI                 00:00:10

# In IRF mode, display brief configuration information for global on-demand diagnostic tests on slot 4 of IRF member device 1.

<sysname> display diagnostic content chassis 1 slot 4
Diagnostic test suite attributes:                                               
#B/*: Bootup test/NA                                                            
#O/*: Ondemand test/NA                                                          
#M/*: Monitoring test/NA                                                        
#D/*: Disruptive test/Non-disruptive test                                       
#P/*: Per port test/NA                                                          
#A/I/*: Monitoring test is active/Monitoring test is inactive/NA                
Chassis 1 slot 4:
Test name        : IPCMonitor                                                   
Test attributes  : **M*PA                                                       
Test interval    : 00:01:00                                                     
Min interval     : 00:01:00                                                     
Correct-action   : -NA-                                                         
Description      : A Real-time test, disabled by default that checks ipc between
 switch units.                                                                  
exec             : -NA-                                                         
Test name        : BoardStatusMonitor                                           
Test attributes  : **M*PA                                                       
Test interval    : 00:00:06                                                     
Min interval     : 00:00:06                                                     
Correct-action   : -NA-                                                         
Description      : A Real-time test, disabled by default that checks board statu
s between local master and other local boards.                                  
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