
Use more to display the contents of a text file.


more file-url


User view

Predefined user roles




file-url: Specifies a file name.


# Display the contents of the test.txt file.

<Sysname> more test.txt
Have a nice day.

# Display the contents of the testcfg.cfg file.

<Sysname> more testcfg.cfg
version 7.1.045, Ess 2106
 sysname Sysname
 telnet server enable
---- More ----

# In standalone mode, display the contents of the testcfg.cfg file.

<Sysname> more flash:/testcfg.cfg
version 7.1.045, Ess 2106
 sysname Sysname
 telnet server enable
---- More ----

# In IRF mode, display the contents of the testcfg.cfg file on the master.

<Sysname> more testcfg.cfg
version 7.1.045, Ess 2106
 sysname Sysname
 telnet server enable
---- More ----

# In IRF mode, display the contents of the testcfg.cfg file on the global standby MPU that resides in member device 2.

<Sysname> more chassis2#slot0#flash:/testcfg.cfg
version 7.1.045, Ess 2106
 sysname Sysname
 telnet server enable
---- More ----