
Use cd to change the current working directory.


cd { directory | .. }


User view

Predefined user roles




directory: Specifies the name of the destination directory, in the format [drive:/]path. For more information about how to enter the drive and path arguments, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. If no drive information is provided, the argument represents a folder or subfolder in the current directory.

..: Specifies the parent directory. If the current working directory is the root directory, or if no upper directory exists, the system displays an error message when you execute the cd .. command. No online help information is available for this keyword.


# Access the test folder after logging in to the device.

<Sysname> cd test

# Return to the upper directory.

<Sysname> cd ..

# In standalone mode, change to the test folder in the root directory of the MPU.

<Sysname> cd flash:/test

# In standalone mode, change back to the root directory of the MPU.

<Sysname> cd flash:/

# In IRF mode, change to the Flash root directory of the global standby MPU that resides in member device 2.

<Sysname> cd chassis2#slot0#flash:/

# In IRF mode, change back to the Flash root directory of the global active MPU.

<Sysname> cd flash:/