
Use verbose to enable or disable the device to display detailed information about FTP operations.




The device displays detailed information about FTP operations.


FTP client view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

The verbose command takes effect only for the current FTP session. It is lost after the session is disconnected.


# Disable the device from displaying detailed information about FTP operations.

ftp> verbose
Verbose mode off.

# Execute the get command.

ftp> verbose
Verbose mode off.
ftp> get a.txt

# Enable the device to display detailed information about FTP operations.

ftp> verbose
Verbose mode on.

# Execute the get command.

ftp> get a.txt
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,153,116,114,12,17)
150 "C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ADMINISTRATOR\desk\125X\a.txt" file ready to 
send (6324 bytes) in IMAGE / Binary mode
226 Transfer finished successfully.
6324 bytes received in 0.0104 seconds (594.7 kbyte/s)ftp> get a.cfg 2.cfg
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,58,68,14)
150-Accepted data connection
150 The computer is your friend. Trust the computer
226 File successfully transferred
3796 bytes received in 0.00762 seconds (486.5 kbyte/s)