
Use newer to update a local file by using a remote file on the FTP server.


newer remotefile [ localfile ]


FTP client view

Predefined user roles




remotefile: Specifies the name of the remote file on the FTP server.

localfile: Specifies the name of the local file to be updated.

Usage guidelines

You can perform this operation only after you log in to the FTP server.

If the local file does not exist, this command downloads the file from the FTP server and saves it locally.

If the remote file on the FTP server is not newer than the local file, this command does not update the local file.


# Update the local file with the file a.txt on the FTP server.

ftp> newer a.txt
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,153,116,114,11,190)
150 "C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ADMINISTRATOR\desk\125X\a.txt" file ready to send
 (1 bytes) in IMAGE / Binary mode
226 Transfer finished successfully.
1 bytes received in 0.00268 seconds (374 byte/s)