display role feature

Use display role feature to display features available in the system.


display role feature [ name feature-name | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






name feature-name: Displays the commands of a feature. The feature-name argument specifies the feature name, and all letters must be in lower case.

verbose: Displays the commands of each feature.

Usage guidelines

If you specify neither name feature-name nor verbose, the display role feature command displays only the list of features available in the system.


# Display the list of feature names.

<Sysname> display role feature
Feature: device          (Device configuration related commands)
Feature: interface       (Interface related commands)
Feature: syslog          (Syslog related commands)
Feature: process         (Process related commands)

# Display the commands of each feature.

<Sysname> display role feature verbose
Feature: device          (Device configuration related commands)
  display clock    (R)
  debugging dev    (W)
  display debugging dev    (R)
  display device *    (R)
  display diagnostic-information *    (R)
  display environment *    (R)
  display fan *    (R)
  display alarm *    (R)
  display power *    (R)
  display system-working-mode    (R)
  display current-configuration *    (R)
  display saved-configuration *    (R)
  display default-configuration *    (R)
  display startup    (R)
  display this *    (R)
  display archive configuration    (R)
  display bootrom-access    (R)
  clock datetime *    (W)
  reboot *    (W)
  save *    (W)
  archive configuration    (W)
  backup startup-configuration to *    (W)
  restore startup-configuration from *    (W)
  reset saved-configuration *    (W)
  startup saved-configuration *    (W)
  display transceiver *    (R)
  bootrom *    (W)
  bootrom-access *    (W)
  system-view ; temperature-limit *    (W)
  system-view ; sysname *    (W)
  system-view ; clock timezone *    (W)
  system-view ; clock summer-time *    (W)
  system-view ; configuration replace file *    (W)
  system-view ; transceiver *    (W)
  system-view ; system-working-mode *    (W)
  system-view ; archive configuration *    (W)
  system-view ; configuration encrypt *    (W)
  system-view ; version check ignore    (W)
  system-view ; version auto-update enable    (W)
  system-view ; bootrom-update security-check enable    (W)
  system-view ; clock protocol *    (W)
  system-view ; password-recovery *    (W)
  system-view ; switch-fabric removal-signal-suppression    (W)
  system-view ; rtm *    (W)
  system-view ; rtm * ; action *    (W)
  system-view ; rtm * ; running-time *    (W)
  system-view ; rtm * ; commit    (W)
  system-view ; rtm * ; user-role *    (W)
  display rtm *    (R)
  system-view ; probe ;    (W)
  system-view ; probe ; display system internal startup cache    (R)
  system-view ; probe ; view *    (R)
  system-view ; probe ; list *    (R)
  system-view ; probe ; display system internal lipc *    (R)
  system-view ; probe ; lipc *    (W)
  debugging lipc *    (W)
  display debugging lipc    (R)
  system-view ; probe ; display system internal dbm *    (R)
  system-view ; probe ; display hardware internal transceiver *    (R)
Feature: interface       (Interface related commands)
  reset counters interface *    (W)
  reset packet-drop *    (W)
  debugging ifmgr *    (W)
  display debugging ifmgr    (R)
  debugging system-event *    (W)
  display debugging system-event    (R)
  display interface *    (R)

# Display the commands of the aaa feature.

<Sysname> display role feature name aaa
Feature: aaa             (AAA related commands)
  system-view ; domain *    (W)
  system-view ; header *    (W)
  system-view ; aaa *    (W)
  display domain *    (R)
  system-view ; user-group *    (W)
  system-view ; local-user *    (W)
  display local-user *    (R)
  display user-group *    (R)
  display debugging local-server    (R)
  debugging local-server *    (W)
  super *    (X)
  display password-control *    (R)
  reset password-control *    (W)
  system-view ; password-control *    (W)

Table 8: Command output (display role feature name aaa)




Displays the name and brief function description of the feature.

system-view ; domain *

All the commands that start with domain in system view and all the commands in ISP domain view.

system-view ; header *

All the commands that start with header in system view.

system-view ; aaa *

All the commands that start with aaa in system view.

display domain *

All the commands that start with display domain in user view.

system-view ; user-group *

All the commands that start with user-group in system view, and all the commands in user group view.

system-view ; local-user *

All the commands that start with local-user in system view, and all the commands in local user view.

display user-group *

All the commands that start with display user-group in user view.

display debugging local-server

All the commands that start with display debugging local-server in user view.

debugging local-server *

All the commands that start with debugging local-server in user view.

super *

All the commands that start with super in user view.

display password-control *

All the commands that start with display password-control in user view.

reset password-control *

All the commands that start with reset password-control in user view.

system-view ; password-control *

All the commands that start with password-control in system view.


Command type is Write. A write command configures the system.


Command type is Read. A read command displays configuration or maintenance information.


Command type is Execute. An execute command executes a specific function.

Related commands
